About us

Software-Art is a college/university student based volunteer IT solution developer organization aiming fully professional high end multimedia, system, database, web, mobile, network and costume applications. Now it has a series of products which are highly commended by lots of users. Software-Art faces all users in the world and is developing multiple channels based on Internet.

We strongly believe that PC users should have the best possible products available in order to enhance both personal and professional computing experiences. To that end, our goal is to provide easy-to-use, robust, and highly reliable software that increases computing productivity by keeping PCs running smoothly and error-free, greatly improving performance, ensuring personal and corporate security, and providing the mechanisms for an environment that allows computer users to concentrate on matters other than fixing problems, performing maintenance, or worrying about replacing or upgrading their PCs.

Contact us

Thank you for contacting Software-Art! Any suggestions, comments, technical questions and bug reports, etc. Ordering our products, pricing, special offers, discounts, etc. Please contact our addresses below. We’ll try to help you as fast as possible.

Email: softwareart.bd@gmail.com
Mobile: +8801675443179,
Address: Nirala, Khulna-9100, Bangladesh.


Sponsor or Donate us

The mission of Software-Art is to provide IT solution for the mass people who does not know information technology very much. We do this by providing services and support for many for like-minded software project communities of individuals. So, we need investor/sponsor or consider making a donation of , 20 TK, 50 TK, 100 TK. or whatever you can to help continuing our work.

Bank Name: Dutch Bangla Bank
Account no: 0120101000185056

Bank Name: Bank of America
Routing (ABA): 061000052
Account Number: 00003507523130695